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Impaired driver nabbed in a Metro Vancouver school zone at 9:15 a.m.

"By not taking the steps to ensure that you have an alternative ride home after a night (or morning) of drinking, you are putting someone else's life in danger."
At approximately 9:15 a.m. on Tuesday, Delta police officers stopped a vehicle driving through a school zone. Photo courtesy Delta Police Department

Another message for the public on Tuesday when Delta police stopped a suspected impaired driver in a school zone.

According to a post on their Facebook page, while conducting enforcement targeting impaired drivers at approximately 9:15 a.m. on Tuesday, officers stopped a vehicle driving through a school zone. Officers administered the Approved Screening Device (ASD) which resulted in a fail. The driver was given a 90-day immediate driving prohibition, his vehicle was impounded, and he left the scene in a taxi.

“One of the most selfish things someone can do is get behind the wheel of a vehicle when they are impaired,” said DPD. “By not taking the steps to ensure that you have an alternative ride home after a night (or morning) of drinking, you are putting someone else's life in danger. Because of your selfishness, a child, parent or friend may not be home for the holidays. Do not get behind the wheel of a vehicle if you have consumed alcohol - call a taxi, a friend, or take the bus.”

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