Photo: Maurice Li
The MOV just released a great podcast from their This is Not an Architectural Speaker's Series. Entitled Moving Through: The Path(s) Not Taken: Viaducts, Expressways, and Almost Vancouvers it's a look at the Georgia and Dunsmuir viaducts. Demian Rueter and Brandon Yan, transportation coordinators from the Vancouver Public Space Network, and Michael Green of MGB Architecture (click HERE for our interview with him) walk you through what was gained and what was lost and what could have happened should a freeway have passed city council and been connected to these things. This is a great listen and I imagine these walks from which the podcast were spawned are great to attend in person. Check out the entire thing below.
Moving Through: The Path(s) Not Taken: Viaducts, Expressways, and Almost Vancouvers. by Museum Of Vancouver