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I think there must have been something in the building codes for the city in the past that said if you built a Vancouver Special (click HERE to see what a Vancouver Special is if you're not quite sure) you either had to have those strange egg/articho

I think there must have been something in the building codes for the city in the past that said if you built a Vancouver Special (click HERE to see what a Vancouver Special is if you're not quite sure) you either had to have those strange egg/artichoke sculptures perched on the fence surrounding the house or these lions pictured below, or a combination of both of them, because you never see Specials without em.

My question to you is if you owned a Vancouver Special, how would you decorate your lions? Would you paint them white like this lady is doing?


Or would you paint them gold, leave them au natural or would you maybe paint them some obscure bright color or detail them multicolored? Place your vote below, and comment as to why you'd paint them that color if you like.


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