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High Fiving Celebrities: Kardinal Offishall!Nike's Reuse-A-Shoe Program

It's a high five for you from Canadian hip hop mogul, Kardinal Offishall ! I caught up with him when he took a trip down to the Nike store on Robson last week to drop off a few pairs of his used kicks to become a part of the Nike Reuse-A-Shoe program

It's a high five for you from Canadian hip hop mogul, Kardinal Offishall!

I caught up with him when he took a trip down to the Nike store on Robson last week to drop off a few pairs of his used kicks to become a part of the Nike Reuse-A-Shoe program (original post HERE, Team Canada Ladies recycling their shoes HERE). These shoes will be some of many that end up being recycled into a playing surface somewhere in Vancouver! Thanks Kardi!

Drop off your shoes at one of these Vancouver locations and leave your footprint on the city!:

Nike Robson | 1124 Robson Street | Vancouver | 604.683.2221

Nike Metrotown | 1222-4700 Kingsway | Burnaby | 604.430.6453

Nike Richmond | 1592-6551 No. 3 Road | Richmond | 604.276.0015

Nike Park Royal | 4567 Canada Way | Burnaby | 604.276.0015

Nike Kerrisdale | 2120 W. 41st Avenue | Vancouver | 604.264.1246

Nike Oakridge | 650 W. 41st Avenue | Vancouver | 604.267.1972

Learn all about Nike's Reuse-A-Shoe in Vancouver at