Meet Jordan Eshpeter. Biz dev lead at Domain7 here in Vancouver, an avid sports fan, former punk rock singer and yet another person who was not a stranger when I sat down for coffee with him. If I was to draw you a diagram of The Type Of Awesome People You Should Surround Yourself With, Jordan would be right in the middle of it. He's always got great advice, he asks tough questions, he's one of the people in this city who makes things happen AND he's a bit of a punk rock encyclopedia.
For this particular coffee we met at Save On Meats before they closed their Hastings diner for renovations (I heard they'll be re-opening soon from THIS 500 Coffees subject).
We chatted about the Hyper Island initiative that he brought to Vancouver (read about it HERE), about his past work with organizations like the BC Lions and about the work he's currently doing for one of our Community Sponsors, the Vancouver web agency Domain7. As the business development guy, Jordan works on pitches for clients quite a bit. In our conversation he drew parallels between his time spent singing for a punk rock band earlier in life and the feeling he now gets when he goes in and captures the attention and the imagination of clients, getting them excited to work with the company he loves on projects he's personally excited about. In the coming years you'll hear more about this self-proclaimed "aspiring futurist", as I said he's one of the folks really making good things happen and is helping to build a better future for your city.
Follow @JordanEshpeter, bookmark and keep up with I highly recommend all three.
Stay tuned for 437 more Coffees! And check out the caffeinated archive HERE.