From food to dance to music to dragons to lions, no matter what your preference is there's a Lunar New Year event for that.
Spring Festival fundraising gala at Parq Vancouver
This gala fundraising event is produced by Charlie Huang, owner of Vancouver’s Peaceful Restaurant, and is in support of B.C. Children’s Hospital’s Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children Enhancement Initiative. Thousands of families from across the province visit Sunny Hill each year, seeking assessments, diagnoses and rehabilitation for a wide range of conditions affecting their child’s development.
Sunnyhill is the only children’s rehabilitation facility of its kind in B.C. The evening includes beautiful culinary creations, show-stopping food-carving demonstrations by renowned Chinese chefs, live dance and musical performances, and a live auction.
When: Jan. 28 at 6 p.m.
The 淑芳你好嘛 (Suk-Fong Nay Ho Mah) / Suk-Fong, How Are You? exhibit by artist Paul Wong is a highlight of the Lunar New Year celebrations at Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden. Photo Jennifer Gautier
Chinese New Year celebration at International Village Mall
International Village Mall's celebration gives Vancouverites an opportunity to experience traditional Chinese spring festivities and rituals with exhibition and sales booths on both the main and upper mall levels.
Drop by for Chinese New Year festive items, souvenirs, culinary delights, giftware, multicultural live performances, a lucky draw and more. This three-day event includes an opening celebration with a ceremonial lion dance.
When: Feb. 8 to 10
Year of the Pig Temple Fair at Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden
This annual temple fair celebration returns in 2019 to usher in the Year of the Pig. The twelfth animal in the Chinese zodiac, the pig is a symbol of prosperity, its rotund cheeks full of good fortune.
Everyone is invited to this family-friendly event, where they can enjoy a lineup of traditional activities, explore the wares of local vendors, and take in the淑芳你好嘛 (Suk-Fong Nay Ho Mah) / Suk-Fong, How Are You?exhibition from artist Paul Wong. Open to the public by suggested donation of $5.
When: Feb. 10
Flight of the Dragon at FlyOver Canada
Flight of the Dragon is on at Flyover Canada now through Feb. 24. Photo Flyover Canada
It’s the beauty of China as seen from above — Flight of the Dragon is back at FlyOver Canada for a limited time. During this special feature, follow a mythical dragon as it soars over some of China’s most spectacular landscapes and scenery — Including the Great Wall of China, Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, the city of Shanghai and more. Then, take off again to experience FlyOver Canada, an exhilarating journey from east-to-west across Canada. Two rides back-to-back for one price.
When: Now through Feb. 24
Coastal Lunar Lanterns at Jack Poole Plaza
Eight gigantic and iconic lanterns designed by Musqueam, Squamish and Tslei-Waututh artists and a guest indigenous artist from the Zihing tribe in Taiwan, will be raised to ring in the Year of the Pig at Jack Poole Plaza. Produced in partnership with Tourism Vancouver and Vancouver Convention Centre.
When: Jan. 30 to Feb. 18
Eight gigantic and iconic lanterns designed by indigenous artist will be on display at Jack Poole Plaza staring Jan. 31. Photo Lunar New Year Festival
The New Butterfly Lovers at Queen Elizabeth Theatre
As part of Year of the Pig celebrations, Vancouver’s own renowned choreographer Joshua Beamish brings alive a 1,700-year-old Chinese love story in the New Butterfly Lovers. The brand new full-length contemporary ballet will also premiere new arrangements by Dan Reyes and Coastal City Ballet for one-show-only.
When: Feb. 3
Lunar New Year Lion Dance at Parq Vancouver
Watch age-old traditions come to life at Parq Casino. A lion dance will kick off the festivities Feb. 5 at 7 p.m. while luminous lanterns, vibrant cherry blossom trees and hanging silk wisteria with magnolia adorn many of the other corners of Parq Vancouver. An embellished pop-up photo lounge and life-size zodiac calendars will make an appearance for guests to capture the magic.
When: Feb. 5